When I sort the podcasts I download by their ID3 titles, I want to see an older episode sorted after a newer episode.
Here is a groovy script that modifies the MP3 title of an MP3 file passed as first parameter of the script, and replaces any dd.mm.20yy date by a 20yy.mm.dd date. It also moves the date at the beginning of the title.
You need the Java ID3 Tag Library (jid3lib) and an embeddable Groovy (groovy-all.jar)
Now in order to run the script after each download, your podcast receiver must be able to run a custom command after each download. You can use Juice.
So here is a quick and dirty script sanitize_dates.groovy :
import org.farng.mp3.*
def readMp3Title(filepath) {
def mp3file = new MP3File(filepath)
def writeMp3Title(filepath,title) {
def mp3file = new MP3File(filepath)
def sanitizeTitle(title,action) {
def m = (title =~ /^(.*)([0-9][0-9])\.([0-9][0-9])\.(20[0-9][0-9])(.*)$/)
def g = m[0]
action("" + g[4] + "." + g[3] + "." + g[2] + " " + g[1] + g[5])
def filepath = args[0]
def title = readMp3Title(filepath)
println "Original title:${title}"
sanitizeTitle(title) { sanitizedTitle ->
println "Title after sanitization:${readMp3Title(filepath)}"
In the preferences of Juice you can use Run this command after each download with for exemple :
/usr/bin/java -cp /home/me/javalibs/groovy-all.jar:/home/me/javalibs/jid3lib.jar groovy.lang.GroovyShell /home/me/bin/sanitize_dates.groovy "%f"