void techBlog() { //... }

My attemps to arrange 0 and 1 and make something vaguely useful

Usual GnuPG commands

I tend to forget these very usual GnGPG commands as I use them only once in while. Now I won’t forget them, or at least I’ll known how to quickly find them :

Sign a file :

gpg --detach-sign --armor myfile.tar.gz

Encrypt and decrypt a file for my own use :

gpg --encrypt --recipient 'MyName' foo.txt
gpg --output foo.txt --decrypt foo.txt.gpg

Encrypt a free text for someone :

echo 'Hello world' | gpg --output encrypted_hello.txt --encrypt --armor -r myfriend@whatever.com

Get my own fingerprint :

gpg  --fingerprint  myaddress@whatever.com
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