I always have a hard time finding online a simple example of CruiseControl + Ant file whenever I need to quickly setup a Continuous Integration server for a project. So here is the configuration I had set up for the open source project TSP (Transport Sample Protocol) :
<project name="tsp" buildafterfailed="false">
<currentbuildstatuslistener file="logs/${project.name}/status.txt">
<cvsbootstrapper localworkingcopy="projects/${project.name}/make" file="cc-build.xml">
<modificationset quietperiod="30">
<cvs localworkingcopy="projects/${project.name}">
<schedule interval="300">
<ant anthome="apache-ant-1.6.5" buildfile="projects/${project.name}/make/cc-build.xml">
<merge dir="projects/${project.name}/target/test-results">
<htmlemail mailhost="smtp.blablablablabla.fr" reportsuccess="fixes" returnaddress="foo@blablablablabla.fr" subjectprefix="[CruiseControl]" skipusers="true" spamwhilebroken="true" xsldir="webapps/cruisecontrol/xsl" css="webapps/cruisecontrol/css/cruisecontrol.css">
<always address="foo@blablablablabla.fr">
<always address="bar@blablablablabla.fr">
For TSP the Ant build file was there to trigger the C build :
<project name="tsp" default="build" basedir="..">
<property name="build.dir" value="tsp_cc_build">
<property name="tsp.dir" value="..">
<macrodef name="cmake">
<attribute name="flags" default="">
<exec dir="${build.dir}" executable="cmake" failonerror="true">
<arg line="@{flags} ${tsp.dir}">
<macrodef name="make">
<exec dir="${build.dir}" executable="make" failonerror="true">
<macrodef name="cvs-update">
<attribute name="workDir">
<exec dir="@{workDir}" executable="cvs" failonerror="true">
<arg line="update -dP ">
<target name="build" depends="update">
<antcall target="vanilla">
<antcall target="xmlrpc">
<target name="vanilla" depends="clean">
<target name="xmlrpc" depends="clean">
<cmake flags="-DBUILD_XMLRPC=ON">
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}">
<target name="update">
<cvs-update workdir="${basedir}">
For TSP the setup instruction were :
install a binary distribution of cruise control
replace the config.xml file with the previous file. Change the email addresses of the 'returnaddress', and the 'always address'. You can add as many 'always address' as you want
go to the 'projects' directory of the cruisecontrol install and perform an anonymous check out of tsp :
cd projects
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/tsp co tsp
you can test the build without cruise control if Ant is available :
go to projects/tsp/make and launch :
ant -f cc-build.xml
If everything is OK, with the build, run the cruisecontrol.sh script. you’re done,
cruisecontrol is up and running.