void techBlog() { //... }

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Simple CruiseControl + Ant example

I always have a hard time finding online a simple example of CruiseControl + Ant file whenever I need to quickly setup a Continuous Integration server for a project. So here is the configuration I had set up for the open source project TSP (Transport Sample Protocol) :

    <project name="tsp" buildafterfailed="false">

            <currentbuildstatuslistener file="logs/${project.name}/status.txt">

            <cvsbootstrapper localworkingcopy="projects/${project.name}/make" file="cc-build.xml">

        <modificationset quietperiod="30">
            <cvs localworkingcopy="projects/${project.name}">

        <schedule interval="300">
            <ant anthome="apache-ant-1.6.5" buildfile="projects/${project.name}/make/cc-build.xml">

            <merge dir="projects/${project.name}/target/test-results">

            <htmlemail mailhost="smtp.blablablablabla.fr" reportsuccess="fixes" returnaddress="foo@blablablablabla.fr" subjectprefix="[CruiseControl]" skipusers="true" spamwhilebroken="true" xsldir="webapps/cruisecontrol/xsl" css="webapps/cruisecontrol/css/cruisecontrol.css">
                <always address="foo@blablablablabla.fr">
                <always address="bar@blablablablabla.fr">


For TSP the Ant build file was there to trigger the C build :

<project name="tsp" default="build" basedir="..">

    <property name="build.dir" value="tsp_cc_build">
    <property name="tsp.dir" value="..">

    <macrodef name="cmake">
                <attribute name="flags" default="">
                        <exec dir="${build.dir}" executable="cmake" failonerror="true">
                            <arg line="@{flags} ${tsp.dir}">

    <macrodef name="make">
                        <exec dir="${build.dir}" executable="make" failonerror="true">

    <macrodef name="cvs-update">
                <attribute name="workDir">
                        <exec dir="@{workDir}" executable="cvs" failonerror="true">
                                <arg line="update -dP ">

    <target name="build" depends="update">
        <antcall target="vanilla">
        <antcall target="xmlrpc">

    <target name="vanilla" depends="clean">

    <target name="xmlrpc" depends="clean">
        <cmake flags="-DBUILD_XMLRPC=ON">

    <target name="clean">
        <delete dir="${build.dir}">
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}">

    <target name="update">
        <cvs-update workdir="${basedir}">


For TSP the setup instruction were :

  • install a binary distribution of cruise control

  • replace the config.xml file with the previous file. Change the email addresses of the 'returnaddress', and the 'always address'. You can add as many 'always address' as you want

  • go to the 'projects' directory of the cruisecontrol install and perform an anonymous check out of tsp :

cd projects
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/tsp co tsp

you can test the build without cruise control if Ant is available :

go to projects/tsp/make and launch :

ant -f cc-build.xml

If everything is OK, with the build, run the cruisecontrol.sh script. you’re done,

cruisecontrol is up and running.

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